① イエス様が復活されたその日、二人の弟子がエルサレムから約11キロ離れたエマオという村へ向かって歩いていました。彼らはイエス様の死とその後の出来事について話し合っていました。その途中、復活されたイエス様が彼らに近づき、一緒に歩き始めますが、弟子たちは彼がイエス様だとは気づきませんでした。失望していた彼らにイエス様が寄り添って、声をかけ、聖書にメシアについて書かれていることを説明します。エマオに到着したとき、イエス様は彼らと一緒に宿に入ります。夕食の席で、イエス様はパンを取り、感謝をささげ、裂き、彼らに渡します。このとき、弟子たちの目が開かれ、彼がイエス様だと気づきますが、その瞬間、イエス様は姿を消します。弟子たちはすぐにエルサレムに戻り、他の弟子たちにエマオでの出来事を詳しく語ります。
② 玉造教会は昨年から「ともに歩む」をテーマにしてきました。それは教皇フランシスコが呼びかけたシノドスのテーマ「ともに歩む教会をめざして」をもとにして、私たち玉造教会として大切にしたい思いを表すテーマです。
③ 2024年のサブテーマとして「一人ひとりが大切にされる教会」が加わりました。それは先日の聖霊降臨のジョイント・フェスタのテーマでもありました。エルサレムの聖霊降臨の日のように私たち玉造教会が一つの場所に集まり、一緒に祈ったり、食事をしたり、分かち合いをしました。
Walking Together: A Synodal Church Where Everyone Matters
Fr. Nuno Lima
1. On the Resurrection day, two disciples were walking towards Emmaus, about 11 km from Jerusalem. They were discussing Jesus' death and the events that followed. While on their way, the Risen Jesus approaches and walks with them, but they do not recognize him. Jesus walks with the downhearted disciples and explains to them what the Bible says about the Messiah. When they arrive in Emmaus, Jesus stays with them. At the dinner table, Jesus takes bread, gives thanks, breaks it, and gives it to them. At this point, the disciples' eyes are opened, and they realize that he is the Lord, but at that moment Jesus disappears. The disciples immediately return to Jerusalem and tell the other disciples the details of the events in Emmaus.
In brief, the episode teaches them that Jesus is still walking with them, even if they don't realize it. When the disciples realized it, their faith deepened and filled them with joy.
2. Since last year, Tamatsukuri Church has been focusing on the theme of ‘Walking Together.’ This is based on the Synod called by Pope Francis, ‘Towards a Synodal Church.’ (Synodal means ‘walking together.’) This is a theme that expresses the thoughts that we, as Tamatsukuri Church, cherish.
This theme can be considered from three aspects.
First of all, ‘Walking Together’ reminds us that we, like the disciples of Emmaus, are walking together with Jesus. In times of joy and in times of disappointment, Jesus walks with us, even if we don't realize it.
It is also a theme that expresses our union with the universal Church, which is working on the theme of the Synod for a church where everyone walks together. We, as the Tamatsukuri Church, will respond to the Pope's call and aim to be a Church where we walk together.
Furthermore, the theme of ‘Walking Together’ expresses that all the people gathered at Tamatsukuri Church are together in this journey.
Tamatsukuri Church has become a place where people from many different countries gather. Our theme expresses our determination to walk together, overcoming language and cultural barriers.
3. The theme of the church for this year is ‘A Synodal Church Where Everyone Matters.’ That was the theme of the recent Pentecost Joint Fiesta. As on the day of Pentecost in Jerusalem we, the Tamatsukuri Church, gathered in one place to pray, eat, and share together.
Tamatsukuri Church is a community of people from many different cultures and languages who come together for mass every Sunday, from morning until evening. In a way, the beauty of the church is like stained glass. Stained glass is beautiful because it combines glass of many different colors. I think Tamatsukuri Church can create beautiful stained-glass windows by bringing together people from various cultures and traditions in one church. Together, let's continue to think about what we can do for ‘A Synodal Church Where Everyone Matters.’