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1年前、玉造教会の英語コミュニティは、若者のニーズ、特にキリスト教の召命を見極めるニーズに応えるために、ICYA (International Catholic Young Adults) と呼ばれる国際グループを組織しました。このグループの目的は、若者のための活気に満ちた多国籍コミュニティを作り、彼らが教会に奉仕する場を提供することです。このグループはまた、誰もが重要であることを強調しながら、シノダリティの課題に対応することを目指しています。

ICYA は、毎月1回、午後2時の英語ミサの後に集まり、形成を行います。さまざまな講師が招かれ、教理を教え、彼らの霊的形成を養い、彼らの識別プロセスを支援します。2024年4月、最初のグループは1年間の形成プログラムを修了し、現在、いくつかのメンバーがさまざまな奉仕活動で教会に奉仕しています。次のグループは形成プログラムを開始しようとしていますが、これはシノダリティの成果の1つであると私は信じています。




Young People in the Church

Fr. Cesar A. Pormento, CM

A year ago, the English Community of St. Mary’s Cathedral organized an international group called ICYA (International Catholic Young Adults) to cater to the needs of young people, primarily in discerning their Christian vocation. The objective of this group is to create a vibrant, multinational community for young people and provide a space for them to serve the church. This group also aims to respond to the challenges of Synodality, emphasizing that everyone matters.


ICYA gathers for formation once a month after the 2:00 pm English Mass. Different speakers are invited to give catechesis and help nourish their spiritual formation, assisting them in their discernment process. In April 2024, the first batch completed their one-year formation program, and some are now serving the church in various ministries. The next batch is about to begin their formation program, which I believe is one of the fruits of Synodality.


Pope Francis' messages of Synodality provide a roadmap for young people serving in the Church to engage in collaborative and discerning ways. By promoting inclusivity, listening, discernment, openness, collaboration, and co-responsibility, young people can play a vital role in shaping the future of the Church and fostering a community rooted in love, justice, and mercy. We need to encourage and support any initiatives young people have for the betterment and improvement of our Church.

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